11/6/2020 Progress Update

Hey there everyone! I'm not sure exactly how many people are reading this, but I hope someone is.

Anyways, that's not the point. I just wanted to give everyone a progress update since, if you've been following progress at all, you probably know that the game hasn't been updated in a while. The biggest reason for this is that I've had an artist working on assets for the final area of the demo, and it's been a long process, but now I have a bit more clarity on when it will be done.

The assets will hopefully be finished around December 25th of this year, so unfortunately, a 2020 demo update is probably not going to happen. The artist is a bit inexperienced when it comes to RPG Maker assets, so I won't know what all needs to be reformatted until I get them, and there's the process of making the final area itself, which will take time as well. Right now, I've been doing what I can to spruce up the game and get more feedback from anyone who's played it.

So, what happens when I get the assets and finish the demo? Well, that's a difficult question to answer. I have been planning future worlds in the game, but making tilesets has been a no-go for me, which is why I'm currently having an artist do it for me. Once they finish, I'll probably try to find a different artist with a better schedule since I'll have a frame of reference for them to work with.

Once the demo is finished, there will be two major options for me:

  1. Keep pushing forward to new areas and start working on the next major world (this will take far longer, but in the end it will mean more content for you guys)
  2. Take a good , hard look at the demo and make the level of quality consistent across all boards. This means that yes, the default tilesets will finally be replaced. (this will take some time as well, but hopefully not nearly as long)

I want to hear what you guys think! The full demo is a good ways off from now, but I need to start thinking about the future so I can better plan for it.

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